It’s already May. You have a sneaking feeling that your child should be planning for finals, but they push away the suggestion. If your child struggles with a learning difference, they may not be shining like the academic star they are capable of being. You know they have so much to offer, but aren’t sure how to help them develop the confidence they need to demonstrate their intelligence.
They may resist your prompting to begin prep for exams, but the truth is that they do care about doing well. A positive exam experience will not only decrease your child’s stress, but also raise their academic confidence going forward.
Even if academics are not their favorite thing, don’t let your child make these predictable mistakes:
- Wait until the week before exams to begin preparing
- Wait to see what their friends are doing
- Count on their teacher to provide a study guide that matches their learning style
- Be unavailable to attend school sponsored study sessions
- Push away suggestions to do practice tests or create a study group
- Assume that because they answered a practice question correctly once, they have it memorized forever
Some parents know how to guide their kids across the academic finish line. Others benefit from the structured support of a credible coach.
The Ace Your Finals™ coach supported study skills program gives your child a structured and easy plan for final exam success. Bonus: They will also acquire better study habits that will help your student long after they finish finals!
Invest in your child's future. Book a free no-obligation session now.